Wrestling RHAPUp | Championship Belt Tierlist (with the Wrestling Wrealm)
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Wrestling RHAPUp | Championship Belt Tierlist (with the Wrestling Wrealm) This week, Mari and Matt are joined by two of the world’s foremost wrestling championship experts to rate wrestling championship belts from over the years. Which ones do we love? Which ones would we drop in the trash? Which ones do we think are “meh”? Find our by listening and watching to this week’s Wrestling RHAPUp with guests Hugh aka HAS the 3rd and Brandon “The Guy” Guy from The Wrestling Wrealm’s Championship Culture show. Join the conversation on Twitter by tagging @WrestlingRHAPup and by using the hashtag #WrestlingRHAPUp! Also, be sure to rate, review, and subscribe to the Wrestling RHAPup on the podcast apps, and to share the podcast with your friends, whether wrestling-curious or wrestling-obsessed! #WWE Subscribe: robhasawebsite.com/wrestlingfeed Want to join the Job Has A Squadcast Facebook group? Reach out to Mari and Matt on Twitter and they’ll hook you up. Get in touch: Mari Forth – @MariTalks2Much Matt Scott – @MattScottGW Wrestling Wrealm – @WrestlingWrealm on Twitter HAS the 3rd – @hasthe3rd on Twitter Brandon Guy – @customguy913 on Twitter Championship Culture – @championshpculture_ on IG Watch the Championship Culture w/ Brandon “The Guy” Guy show on YouTube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcy_Uo53hEZ07SvH6RK6rGPNKuF-7bGuA&si=LjpU9J5MwtfQoZmB Become a Rob Has A Podcast (RHAP) Patron and tell Rob we sent you: http://robhasawebsite.com/patreon For additional video clips, follow the top wrestling products on YouTube. WWE: https://youtube.com/c/WWE AEW: https://youtube.com/c/AEW