Equine Learning and Sales Leadership Growth with Sandler's Dan Carusi

Sales Game Changers | Tips from Successful Sales Leaders - Podcast autorstwa Fred Diamond


This is episode 722. Read the complete transcription on the Sales Game Changers Podcast website. The Sales Game Changers Podcast was recognized by YesWare as the top sales podcast. Read the announcement here. Read more about the Institute for Excellence in Sales Premier Women in Sales Employer (PWISE) designation and program here. Purchase Fred Diamond’s best-sellers Love, Hope, Lyme: What Family Members, Partners, and Friends Who Love a Chronic Lyme Survivor Need to Know and Insights for Sales Game Changers now! Today’s show featured an interview with Dan Carusi, Head of Client Success at Sandler. He also leads equine-based leadership retreats for executives. Find Dan on LinkedIn. DAN’S TIP:  “Many people split into fear, uncertainty, and doubt that really holds them back from being their best at what they do. Don’t fall into that trap. It is a mindset. The world’s kind of crazy today but be on guard for not slipping and you’re letting your mindset slip into that FUD. If you’re pushing yourself outside your comfort zone, you’re going to break the FUD cycle. They do go hand in hand.”

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