S27E39: Galactic Goliaths: The Einasto Supercluster Unveiled

SpaceTime: Space & Astronomy - Podcast autorstwa Stuart Gary

The Space, Astronomy & Science Podcast.SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 39*Unveiling the Einasto Supercluster: A Cosmic BehemothAstronomers have unveiled one of the most massive superclusters ever observed, a colossal structure named the Einasto Supercluster. Comprising thousands of galaxies and a mass of 20 followed by 15 zeros in stars, this supercluster is a testament to the pioneering work of Jan Oort, whose 95th birthday coincides with the discovery. The Einasto Supercluster, stretching 360 million light-years across, provides new insights into the large-scale structure of the universe, challenging our understanding of galactic evolution and the gravitational forces at play in these vast cosmic metropolises.*Humans Alter Asteroid's Path and ShapeIn a groundbreaking mission, humans have altered the shape and orbit of an asteroid. NASA's DART spacecraft collided with the asteroid moon Dimorphos, not only knocking it off course but also reshaping its entire structure. This kinetic impact demonstration confirms our capability to deflect potentially hazardous asteroids and marks a significant milestone in planetary defense strategies. The aftermath of the collision has been meticulously analyzed, revealing a reshaped Dimorphos with a shorter orbital period and a new, elongated form.*Hubble's New Glimpse into Jupiter's Stormy AtmosphereThe Hubble Space Telescope has captured stunning new images of Jupiter, offering a fresh perspective on the gas giant's turbulent weather systems. The iconic Great Red Spot, a storm large enough to engulf Earth, is showcased alongside other atmospheric phenomena. Despite its gradual shrinkage and color changes, the Great Red Spot still rages with high-speed winds, interacting with smaller vortices that may be influencing its longevity. Hubble's detailed observations continue to unravel the mysteries of Jupiter's dynamic climate and the forces shaping its grand tempests.For more SpaceTime and to support the show, visit our website at https://spacetimewithstuartgary.com where you can access our universal listen link, find show notes, and learn how to become a patron. Listen to SpaceTime on your favorite podcast app with our universal listen link: https://spacetimewithstuartgary.com/listen and access show links via https://linktr.ee/biteszHQ. Support the show: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/spacetime-with-stuart-gary--2458531/support. For more space and astronomy podcasts, visit our HQ at https://bitesz.com.

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