S27E43: Galactic Ghosts: Unveiling the Milky Way's Dimmest Satellite System
SpaceTime: Space & Astronomy - Podcast autorstwa Stuart Gary

The Space, Astronomy & Science Podcast.SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 43*The Milky Way's Faintest Star System UnveiledAstronomers have unveiled the faintest star system known to orbit our Milky Way galaxy, Ursa Major III Unions I. This ancient and elusive star system, reported in the Astrophysical Journal, may be one of the most dark matter-dominated systems discovered, lying just 30,000 light-years away. With only about 60 stars and a mass just 16 times that of the Sun, it challenges our understanding of galaxy formation and the role of dark matter in the cosmos.*Queensland's Bowen Orbital Spaceport Launches into ActionAustralia's space industry takes a giant leap with the official opening of the Bowen Orbital Spaceport in Queensland. Set to host its inaugural launch with Gilmore Space's Ares rocket, the spaceport marks a significant milestone in the nation's commercial space endeavors. Ares, a hybrid propulsion rocket, aims to deliver payloads into low Earth orbit, signifying Australia's re-emergence as a space-launching nation.*Southern Launch Prepares for Next Milestone in South AustraliaOver in South Australia, Southern Launch is gearing up for its next test flight at the Koonibba Test Range. The upcoming mission will test groundbreaking hybrid propulsion technology using paraffin wax and liquid oxygen, which could revolutionize rocket handling. This test serves as a precursor to developing the larger SL-1 orbital launcher, highlighting the range's unique capability for both suborbital experiments and orbital launches.For more SpaceTime and to support the show, visit our website at https://spacetimewithstuartgary.com where you can access our universal listen link, find show notes, and learn how to become a patron. Listen to SpaceTime on your favorite podcast app with our universal listen link: https://spacetimewithstuartgary.com/listen and access show links via https://linktr.ee/biteszHQ. Support the show: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/spacetime-with-stuart-gary--2458531/support. For more space and astronomy podcasts, visit our HQ at https://bitesz.com.This episode of SpaceTime is brought to you by the password manager you can trust, NordPass. Take the hassle out of online security and help support SpaceTime by visiting www.nordpass.com/stuart for a special offer. Secure your digital life and keep the cosmic exploration going!This episode is brought t you by NordPass...your digital salvation. Check out the details and get our very special deal at www.bitesz.com/nordpass