storytelling with data: #17 which graph should I use?

storytelling with data podcast - Podcast autorstwa storytelling with data


It sounds like a simple question, yet it’s one with which many people grapple: how do I best visualize my data? In this episode, Cole reviews the most common types of data visualizations used in a business setting and discusses use cases and considerations with each. Tune in also to hear Cole address listener questions on graphing survey results, Tableau vs. PowerBI and how to influence a client who wants default graphs rather than a data-driven story. LINKS: SWD blog post: grables and taphs #SWDchallenge recap: plots with dots #SWDchallenge recap: 88 annotated line graphs Curved Discussion post: lines vs. bars Flourish graph: GOT bar chart race Data Revelations post: rethinking the divergent stacked bar BBC Video: Hans Rosling bubblegraph Tweet: bubblegraph GIF Map: 100 years of platypus sightings Map: pasture and crop Resource: #SWDchallenge recap: square area graphs Twitter thread: Tableau vs. PowerBI Register: May 30th (free!) live event Register: upcoming European 1-day workshops May #SWDchallenge recap: artisanal data Questions? email [email protected] Follow @storywithdata | share via #SWDpodcast

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