Making Time to Manifest: Companion Episode

The Abundant Parent - Law of Attraction for Parents with Leah Recor - Podcast autorstwa Leah Recor - The Abundant Parent

Lauren was my guest this time last year on the Abundant Parent Membership. Mom and creator of the I Am Journal, Lauren shared with us how to find time in your busy parenting day for that ultimate self-care habit of manifesting your desires.  Catch her workshop here: Whether you are manifesting a family culture of contentment, or physical experiences and objects, dedicated time to the practice of manifesting is a must.  Lauren created an incredible tool to help us stay accountable to ourselves when she created the I Am Journal.  And the proof is in the outcomes.   These monthly companion episodes I record have been so much fun for me.  I’ve been able to reflect not only on the role of these workshop topics in my life since I first discovered them, but also reflect upon the progress I’ve made over the last year since first recording the workshop podcasts. This month’s topic of manifesting and the Law of Attraction couldn’t be more proof of this progress.  Catch the video version here! CATCH THE COMPANION PODCAST HERE: Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Google Podcasts | Spotify | RSS Podcast: Play in new window I was first introduced to the Law of Attraction when the book, “The Secret” had become an international sensation. I loved it.  It resonated so strongly.  I took a lot of notes… ALL the notes.  And then the book went on the shelf, the notes were closed up in a journal that eventually was filed and boxed away. And I forgot all about the power I had to create my reality.  Surely this was due to the social and family conditioning engraved in my brain from childhood and reiterated in my life at that specific time, but I never created a practice of the lessons in the Secret, and so I forgot it.  Pretty much entirely.   Fast forward through having children, and the dissolve of my marriage into what was the darkest time of my life. Leaning hard into my victim mentality, I felt a loss of the control I perceived myself to have and clung tighter and tighter.  And just like the Universe does, it kept showing me it was time to let go and trust in this big beautiful undeniable power of love that is all around and with in us. The lessons felt more devastating each time until I become too tired and hopeless to consider any other option than to let go and trust. I was literally and consciously forced into my awakening (with the help of the messages of Abraham Hicks) . It was the worst.  And I am so grateful for it.  I learned through those times, lessons that have made my life abundant and satisfying.  They are: 1) The only control we have in this lifetime is over our own thoughts, responses, expectations and vibrations. And we definitely can’t control anyone else’s actions, responses, or how they view us

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