The Atheist Experience 29.11 with Justin and The Cross Examiner
The Atheist Experience - Podcast autorstwa The Atheist Community of Austin - Poniedziałki

In today’s episode of the Atheist Experience, Justin and The Cross Examiner, work with the Legendary Jesus who uses preferred pronouns in the simulation created by Bible bashing atheists that question the answers given by the argument from motion.JIm in MO compares Jesus to King Arthur because he could be a legendary character where everything is written down after the fact. Justin explains how he learned in Seminary that it was a given that Jesus was a real person. What are your experiences like when people attempt to prove the existence of Jesus?Mike in SC wants to know how using pronouns is any different from the Emperor wearing new clothes in the movie, The Emperor’s New Groove. Why would this be comparable to a fictional story? Would you choose to call someone other than their name? Refusal to use preferred pronouns are black and white fallacies and false equivocations because there is more that goes on other than what is between your legs. There are mountains of evidence that show that the gender one identifies with is different from the biological sex. Why is it a problem to use the pronoun that someone requested? Where in the Bible does it say that using preferred pronouns is breaking a rule? Gender and sex are NOT the same thing. Ransom in WY, believes we are in a simulation with a bunch of idiots that have better computers than we do, and that atheism has an incorrect view of the universe. Atheism does not say that this universe is all that exists. Our claim is not to know what is not in our universe; it is simply not believing that a god exists. The observer being necessary is not how the Double Slit Experiment works. Joshua in AZ thinks faith is just trust and does not like the hosts bashing the Bible because it is a big deal to believers who take it seriously. We can find numerous contradictions and historical errors in the Bible. If this book is from god, where is the evidence? Is it Bible bashing to question the absurdities in it? We don’t have to respect people’s beliefs, and that is different from respecting the person. Is being taught something from someone in authority or someone that you trust a good reason to believe it? As the outrageousness of the claim increases, your demand for evidence also needs to increase. How can god exist if he is so unaware of human biology that he created a law allowing women to be stoned to death for not bleeding on their wedding night? It is okay to look at the man behind the curtain and realize the house of cards is about to crumble.Hannah in MS presents the argument from motion where there must be a first cause of motion outside of space and time, and that first cause is god. What evidence do you have that anything outside of space and time can exist and that it can interact with things inside space and time? How is this god distinguishable from things that don’t exist? Does space time exist as most physicists do? This is an example of an argument that believers make so they don’t feel silly about their beliefs.Jimmy Jr. joins us to show his obligatory drawing of Jesus with a they/them name tag! Afterall, the Trinity is a trans configuration! Thank you for joining this great show! Question of the week is: It was really petty when god _______.Become a supporter of this podcast: