Prepare the Way (season 1 episode 2)

The Beloved podcast - Podcast autorstwa Iffa

In this episode Iffa is joined by Alice Hall and Fiona Whitehead as we consider how we can prepare the way for our Beloved this advent. Journaling questions How will I prepare my heart for Jesus this advent? What is the Spirit calling me to? How do you feel about the work of healing and transformation God is doing or wants to do in your life? How do you experience convictions of sin? Do you struggle with condemnation of yourself or others? Read Romans 8:1 and see what God wants to say to you about this? In what areas do we need to work on loving and caring for ourselves? How does God want to love, help and care for you at this time? How better can you love and reach out others or share your faith with them in this season and how can you help to prepare the Bride/a Gift for the coming Bridegroom? If you have enjoyed the podcast, we invite you to prayerfully consider donating to the work of Sion Community, by going to and clicking the donate button. Do you use Facebook? We invite you to join our Facebook group to find others who are listening to the podcast and to share the experience, the challenges and the blessings that come from it.

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