Divine Mercy (season 2 episode 8)

The Beloved podcast - Podcast autorstwa Iffa

On Divine Mercy Sunday, Alice talks to Cathy Adkins and Violeta Cipkute about the transforming power of God's mercy. Bathsheba (2 Samuel 12: 24-25) and Jesus’ encounter with the adulterous woman (John 8: 9b-11) Journaling prompts What in your life have you experienced that stops you from receiving God’s love or growing deeper in your faith and relationship with Him? Do you struggle in any way with fear, guilt or condemnation? Bring these feelings to Jesus as you pray today and ask Him to transform them for you. Have you experienced God’s love and mercy in a tangible way you can recall and thank God for? Perhaps ask God if there is someone in your life who might be blessed by hearing you share this experience. Read through 2 Samuel 11 and 12 and John 8:1-11. Take one of these stories into prayer and imagine yourself in the place of one of these women and hear what God wants to say to you through His word. If you have any feedback about your experience of our podcast, we would love to hear from you on [email protected] If you have enjoyed the podcast, we invite you to prayerfully consider donating to the work of Sion Community, by going to https://www.sioncommunity.org.uk/ and clicking the donate button. Do you use Facebook? We invite you to join our Facebook group to find others who are listening to the podcast and to share the experience, the challenges and the blessings that come from it. https://www.facebook.com/groups/belovedministry/?ref=share

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