Who helps me to live in the Gaze of God? (Season 3 Episode 9)

The Beloved podcast - Podcast autorstwa Iffa

In this episode Anna is joined by Alice and Iffa as we ask: “who helps me to live in the Gaze of God?” Scriptures John 20: 11-18 1 Corinthians 13:12 1 John 3:2 Journaling Prompts PAUSE to GAZE Have a look at the image linked in today’s show notes. Imagine that you are stood with the women and Jesus. How would you feel knowing that you are seen and known by the Lord Jesus? How does it feel to be in His company? GAZED UPON Who, in your life, helps you to live in the gaze of God? GAZING ON THE WORD Spend some time reflecting on the Scripture that you heard in the podcast today (John 20:11-18). What word or phrase stands out to you in particular? What might God be trying to say to you through this word or phrase or these Scriptures as a whole? Image In our conversation we reflected on this image from the TV show The Chosen. https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=https://www.amfm-magazine.tv/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/2021_JULY_THE_CHOSEN_972x510.png&imgrefurl=https://www.amfm-magazine.tv/the-chosen-jonathan-roumie-jesus-and-elizabeth-tabish-mary-magdalene-give-us-an-idea-why-this-record-breaking-crowdfunded-series-is-a-runaway-success/&tbnid=xOCKbWyi1Pj31M&vet=1&docid=RYFwPycbddZmcM&w=972&h=510&hl=en-gb&source=sh/x/im Find out more about this amazing TV show here https://watch.angelstudios.com/thechosen We also considered this quote from Jaques Philipe "Only under the gaze of God can we fully and truly accept ourselves. We need to be looked upon by someone who says, as God did through the prophet Isaiah: “You are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you.” .... We urgently need the mediation of another’s eyes to love ourselves and accept ourselves. The eyes may be those of a parent, a friend, a spiritual director; but above all they are those of God our Father. The look in his eyes is the purest, truest, tenderest, most loving, and most hope-filled in this world. The greatest gift given those who seek God’s face by persevering in prayer may be that one day they will perceive something of this divine look upon themselves; they will feel themselves loved so tenderly that they will receive the grace of accepting themselves in depth." Get in touch We’d love to hear from you! Please send any feedback or questions to [email protected] We have an Instagram and a Facebook group. It’s a way to find others who are listening to the podcast and to share the experience, the challenges and the blessings that come from it. https://instagram.com/i_am.he_is.beloved?utm_medium=copy_link https://www.facebook.com/groups/belovedministry/?ref=share Support If you have enjoyed the podcast, we invite you to prayerfully consider donating to the work of Sion Community, by going to https://www.sioncommunity.org.uk and clicking the donate button. Retreats Bookings for the next Beloved retreat (21-23 October) are now open. Go to https://sioncommunity.churchsuite.com/events/jigpwtqd for more information and to register.

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