185 : I Don’t Get Twitter – Strategy, Tweetchats and Lists with @NikaStewart @DonnaCravotta @MomBizCoach @DrRomila

The BizChix Podcast: Female Entrepreneurs | Women Small Business | Biz Chix - Podcast autorstwa Natalie Eckdahl, MBA


Click for Shownotes Social Media Summer Camp continues. So many women share with me that they just don’t get Twitter. I admit it took me a while to understand how it worked and more importantly how it could help my business. The truth is that it is a key place to connect with influencers in your industry and with the media. Do a search for your favorite print journalist or newscaster and I guarantee they have a Twitter account.  Find out how to connect with them in this episode. Several guests of The Biz Chix Podcast were on the show because I first built a relationship with them on Twitter.  The opposite has happened as well. Potential guests built a relationship with me and then pitched themselves onto the show. I’m thrilled to bring four Twitter experts to you in one episode. Former Biz Chix Podcast guests Lara Galloway (#51), Dr. Romie Mushtaq (#85), Nika Stewart (#138) and Donna Cravotta (#111) answer questions about Twitter Strategy, Tweetchats, Lists and More! Inside this Episode BizChix Episodes for Lara, Dr. Romie, Nika and Donna Episode 51: Lara Galloway The Mom Biz Coach Episode 85: Dr. Romie Mushtaq is teaching the medicine behind mindfulness Ep 138: Twitter and Social Media Expert – Nika Stewart Episode 111: Twitter Workshop with Social Sage PR CEO Donna Cravotta Connect with Lara mombiz.com @mombizcoach Connect with Dr. Romie brainbodybeauty.com @DrROMILA Connect with Nika ghosttweeting.com @nikastewart Connect with  Donna socialsagepr.com @DonnaCravotta Thank you so much for listening.  If you enjoyed the episode, please consider subscribing in iTunes  and Stitcher and leaving a rating and or review.  This helps us continue to be featured in New & Noteworthy so that more people can find us. Click here to join the Biz Chix community (free) and get an invitation to our Private Facebook Group for Female Entrepreneurs Thank you to our Sponsors:

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