194: Meet My Mastermind - Katie Krimitsos of BizWomenRock.com

The BizChix Podcast: Female Entrepreneurs | Women Small Business | Biz Chix - Podcast autorstwa Natalie Eckdahl, MBA


^^Subscribe to the Biz Chix Podcast^^It helps us get noticed my more listeners and is the best way to thank Natalie for producing this show for you!Join the Biz Chix community  and get access to our Private Facebook Group for female entrepreneurs.-----------------------------------------------MASTERMINDS, NETWORKING AND TEAMS SERIES^^Subscribe to the Biz Chix Podcast^^It helps us get noticed my more listeners and is the best way to thank Natalie for producing this show for you!Click to join the Biz Chix Community or text 33444 and get access to our Private Facebook Group for female entrepreneurs-----------------------------------------------MASTERMINDS, NETWORKING AND TEAMS SERIESMEET MY MASTERMINDThis is a replay of Katie Krimitsos' original episode that aired in May 2014. I want you to hear all about her biz background.After 5 years of running a local entrepreneurs organization with her husband, Katie launched the Biz Women Rock podcast in 2014 so she could share the real stories of phenomenal business women all over the world. That quickly gave birth to the entire Biz Women Rock brand, complete with practical information and a thriving community that provides you with everything you need to start and grow your business!After you listen to this episode, go right into 195 which we recorded LIVE on Blab, a new video streaming platform.Join me every Thursday at 12:12PM PT for a live video interview on Blab. You can interact with myself and the guests during the show!Go to Blab.im/bizchixpodcast.Tweet us and share show:Meet @katiekrimitsos part of @bizchixpodcast inner circle. Talking #podcasting #womeninbiz #community.BizChix.com/iTunesHow to connect with Katie:Connect with Katie:BizWomenRock.comTwitter.com/katiekrimitsosHear Katie interview Natalie on Business Women Rocks Podcast:http://bizwomenrock.com/28/

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