199: Mentors and Masterminds with Nicole Walters @NapturalNicole #monetizethyself

The BizChix Podcast: Female Entrepreneurs | Women Small Business | Biz Chix - Podcast autorstwa Natalie Eckdahl, MBA


Periscope superstar NIcole Walters @NapturalNicole shares why Masterminds and Mentors are essential to her business, plus how she got connected with her mentor Chalene Johnson. ^^Please Subscribe to the Biz Chix Podcast^^ It helps us get noticed by more listeners and is the best way to thank Natalie for producing this show for you! Get access to our Private Facebook Group for female entrepreneurs just click to join the Biz Chix Community or text bizchix to 33444.   MASTERMINDS, NETWORKING AND TEAMS SERIES Periscope superstar Nicole Walters @NapturalNicole shares why Masterminds and Mentors are essential to her business, plus how she got connected with her mentor Chalene Johnson. What a  special interview. There are some women I just feel a really special connection with and Nicole is sure one of them. The thing is, if you were interviewing her yourself or watching her on Periscope you would feel the same way. She has a magnetic, upbeat personality and a serious dose of the X factor. Nicole quit her six figure corporate job a few months ago and recently launched a course called 1Kin1Day. It was more like $100K in one day for nicole b/c she had a six figure launch. Woop. it may seem like Nicole is an overnight success because she has literally skyrocketed to stardome via Periscope which is a live streaming video app we talked about in episode 187. but Nicole is not an overnight success. She didn’t get lucky. She has been building an online presence while she was working a full-time corporate job for 4 years on her site napturalnicole.com and her youtube channel. She saw the potential of Periscope and went for it and her brand, personality and fantastic content on how to monetize what you are passionate about resonated with the masses. What you are going to love about Nicole is that she is also very humble and is a giver (including a foster Mom of 3). I cannot thank her enough for rolling with the punches on this interview which we recorded LIVE via blab. I literally got kicked off the platform and could not get back on for almost 10 minutes. Nicole is such a pro, she ended up answering questions I had sent her before our interview as well as a few posed in the chat room. I left all of that in there so you can be part of what happened live.   MASTERMINDS Being in a Mastermind will literally transform your business and that is what this entire series on Masterminding, Networking and Teams is all about. We started it in episode 191. Each episodes stands alone on its own but is best consumed as a package, so go back and listen to any that you have missed. Not all masterminds are successful. I have been in a few that just weren’t the right fit or just kind of lost momentum. I’ve created a free guide to help you get started. Just text masterminding to 33444 or got to bizchix.com/masterminding. It’s everything you need to get started on designing, launching and running your own group.   Connect with Nicole:  Website Twitter

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