200: Grow Your Network with Carol Cox, Jaree Freeman and Natalie Cutler-Welsh
The BizChix Podcast: Female Entrepreneurs | Women Small Business | Biz Chix - Podcast autorstwa Natalie Eckdahl, MBA

Listen to this panel of Networking Experts as they share their trade secrets for connecting with others on and offline. Please click the SUBSCRIBE Button so you never miss an episode.Click to join the Biz Chix Community or text bizchix to 33444 and get access to our Private Facebook Group for female entrepreneurs-----------------------------------------------GROW YOUR NETWORK with Carol Cox, Jaree Freeman and Natalie Cutler-Welsh.TWEET US: Great tips on how to grow your network with @carolmorgancox @jareefreeman @GotoGirlNZ via @bizchixpodcast. Bizchix.com/200Thank you so much for joining me today of this very special episode - #200!!!I am doing a little happy dance because there were some times I thought I wouldn’t make it this far.In fact in episode 162 I share how I almost quit podcasting.Don’t worry. I’m not going to quit. Podcasting is such a huge part of my identity, but that is why you will see me switching things up and trying new things from time to time.I have to keep it interesting for me and as part of that I hope I am keeping it interesting for you too.But I also want to know more about what you want to hear and so if you are part of the biz chix community, you got an email with a link to a survey. Will you do me the biggest favor of all time and fill that baby out. It will take you 5 minutes or less.Help me bring you the content you need most from me in the format you want it delivered.If you’re not yet part of the community you can join for free by texting bizchix to 33444. When you do you access to the private FB group I host for female entrepreneurs and women who want to own their own business someday.As a means of keeping things interesting, I have been having fun trying out Blab.im, an online live streaming platform. I recorded this panel interview on Blab. You will hear us refer to the chat room from time to time because viewers are able to post and ask us questions.This episode is part of a series on Masterminds, Networking and Teams. If you are new here or missed any of the last few episodes, I encourage you to go back to episode 191 and listen. Each of these episodes stands strong on it’s own, but the content all taken in as a series will be really powerful for you!Let’s dig right into this episode with Carol Morgan Cox, Jaree Freeman and Natalie Cutler-Welsh. I had friends who I consider to be great networkers tell me they were taking notes during the live broadcast so I know you are going to enjoy the valuable content from these master connectors. I want to give a huge thanks to my guests for sharing their knowledge with us. You can get the show notes at bizchix.com/200 and find how to connect with Carol, Jaree and Natalie. This episode is part of my series on masterminds, networking and teams. I’m bringing it to you in the hopes that it will help you expand your network to grow you business and also to help you form your own mastermind. I created a free quick start guide for those of you that want to form your own mastermind. Just txt masterminding to 33444 or go to bizchix.com/masterminding.TAKEAWAYSThere are so many.The first is to focus on being helpful to others. Jaree says she looks for this when she is participating in Facebook Groups. She focuses on helping others who she has seen be helpful to others.Going along with that, don’t try to be active in too many groups. Pick two or three to really put your roots down in and get to know the other members. Seek ways to be helpful to group members.While it is important to be helpful, as women it is natural to over give. So adopt Natalie’s philosophy of Give give get. And finally, focus on getting on the radar of a few influencers. This is easier if you focus on people that seem more approachable. It will be easier to get noticed and connected.It is important to not just add people to your network, but to deepen the connections within your network. There is no better way to build a deep relationship with others than to mastermind with them and open up your business for their input. I really believe each of you has the people you could mastermind with right in your network.For those of you that want help putting a mastermind together or prefer to have a professional facilitator like me in the group, I am excited to share that I will be launching two different mastermind programs at the beginning of 2016. If you are part of the bizchix community you will be the first to hear about those.I want to hear your tips for connecting online and offline with others so email me [email protected] or tweet me @bizchixpodcast and go take some action!Connect with Carol CoxWebsite: www.speakingyourbrand.com Twitter: @carolmorgancoxFacebook: www.facebook.com/speakingyourbrandConnect with Jaree FreemanWebsite: www.connectepic.comTwitter: @JareeFreemanFacebook: www.facebook.com/groups/ConnectEPICConnect with Natalie Cutler-WalshWebsite: www.gotogirl.co.nzTwitter: @GotoGirlNZFacebook: www.facebook.com/GoToGirlSocialMediaNetworking