205 : [new series] Productivity – Top 10 Productivity Tips Curated from 200 Interviews

The BizChix Podcast: Female Entrepreneurs | Women Small Business | Biz Chix - Podcast autorstwa Natalie Eckdahl, MBA


The best productivity tips curated from 200 interviews of female entrepreneurs on The Biz Chix Podcast. Welcome to my new podcast series on Productivity! I have such a fantastic series planned which includes a few solo episodes from me as well as some brand new interviews with productivity experts in different facets of our lives. We are going to talk about how to be productive with our inbox, social media, style, working from home, relationships, networking, systems and more. To kick us off, I pulled the ten best productivity tips ever shared on The Biz Chix Podcast.   Please Join The Biz Chix Community text bizchix to 33444 or go to BizChix.com and click the join the community button. Click for Full Shownotes If you enjoy the tips shared by these guests, be sure to check out their original episode. 1. Create a NOT to do List Vanessa Van Edwards Website: scienceofpeople.com Twitter: @vvanedwards Episode 101: Human Lie Detector and Expert Behavior Analyst, Vanessa Van Edwards leads the Science of People   2. Harness the Power of 3 Michelle Prince Website: michelleprince.com Twitter: @motivateinspire Ep 133: Michelle Prince is Best-selling Author, Zig Ziglar Motivational Speaker, Business Owner of Multiple Companies   3. Schedule Everything Danielle Botterell Website: sparkconsulting.ca Twitter: @Spark_biz Episode 35: Mom Inc. Author and Consultant Danielle Botterell   4. Set a Timer Karen Yankovich Website: karenyankovich.com Twitter: @karenyankovich Episode 37: Social Media & LinkedIn Evangelist Karen Yankovich   5. Eat That Frog Lisa B. Marshall Website: lisabmarshall.com Twitter: @lisabmarshall Episode 32: Author & Noted Speaker Lisa B. Marshall (plus Podcaster, Consultant, and Mom to twins)   6. Delegate Pei Kang Website: findingyourvoiceradio.com Twitter: @drpeikang Ep 137: Escaping Golden Handcuffs with Pei Kang of the ReLaunch Show   7. Get Help Julie Cole Website: mabelslabels.com Twitter: @juliecole Episode 41: Mabel’s Labels co-founder Julie Cole on Productivity, Partnership and Parenting   8. Find Your Triangle of Services Lynn Perkins Website: UrbanSitter.com Twitter: @urbansitter Episode 109: UrbanSitter.com co-Founder & CEO Lynn Perkins – VC Funded Entrepreneur, Mom, Parent/Sitter Matchmaker   9. Reduce Decision Fatigue Gail Warrior Website: gailwarrior.com Twitter: @gail_warrior Ep 119: Largest Minority Owned Construction Firm Founder Gail Warrior   10. Change Locations Natalie MacNeil Website: SheTakesontheWorld.com Twitter: @nataliemacneil Episode 29: Natalie MacNeil of She Takes on the World  

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