226: Business and Babies ~ 5 Mom's Talk Childcare and Sex #PM16
The BizChix Podcast: Female Entrepreneurs | Women Small Business | Biz Chix - Podcast autorstwa Natalie Eckdahl, MBA

Join Natalie and her co-hosts at Podcast Movement ( #PM16 ) where they discuss the challenges of balancing motherhood and business. We recorded this live in a booth on the conference floor. Hear us share how we each manage childcare as busy working Mama's and how sex changes after baby. Thank you Elsie Escobar, Jessica Kupferman, Jessica Rhodes and Katie Krimitsos for your vulnerability and honesty in this episode. Also, special thanks to the women in the Business and Babies secret Facebook Group who inspired this conversation. You are AMAZING. Key Takeaways: [4:42] Natalie introduces her co-podcasters while recording at Podcast Movement. [9:13] Advice for first time mothers who have an online business. [11:46] Running a business post-baby necessitates a new approach. [12:34] Elsie shares how she needed to step away from her work and the importance of asking for support. [17:12] Many mothers need to adjust their expectations and understand that they may not feel ready to leave their baby with anyone for awhile. They may also need to get creative with a childcare solution that they feel comfortable with. [22:34] Natalie acknowledges the advantages of having her office outside of the home now that her children are more independent. [24:27] What is your why behind working from home? [26:45] How intimacy changes after you become a mother. [29:23] The lack of interest in sex is often a phase after having a baby and it’s often difficult to be present. [32:45] Getting away with your partner will help you to think of yourself as a WOMAN and not as a mother. [33:31] Connect with other mompreneurs who understand what it’s like to be pregnant, have a baby, and run a business. [34:02] Natalie encourages listeners to create their own private groups to share ideas and to discuss specific challenges and successes. [37:49] Context-shifting is a real difficulty for mothers and the reason why it takes longer to get work done once you become a mother. [38:45] Be loving to yourself as a new mom who is not getting a full night’s sleep. [40:21] Post-partum hormones play a big part in a women’s lack of desire for sex after having a baby. [40:48] Suggestions for making sex pleasurable again post-baby. [41:55] Communicate what you need and why to those around you. Mentioned in this Episode: BuzzsproutTweet this: Thx @YoGeek @JessKupferman @katiekrimitsos @JessRhodesBiz for keeping it real on @bizchixpodcast. BizChix.com/226 #PM16 This content originally appears on BizChix.com.