231: Uplevel Your Next Speaking Engagement or Webinar with Carol Cox

The BizChix Podcast: Female Entrepreneurs | Women Small Business | Biz Chix - Podcast autorstwa Natalie Eckdahl, MBA


Host Natalie Eckdahl gets coached on air by expert Carol Morgan Cox of Speaking Your Brand. They cover how Natalie can take her signature talk on Masterminds to the next level and how each opportunity to speak builds relationships and can attract clients.   Key Takeaways: [5:59] How Carol helps women entrepreneurs, professionals, and executives use public speaking as a marketing and networking tool. [9:09] How speaking engagements can help sell your product or service. [11:42] Carol and Natalie discuss Natalie’s presentation at Podfest 2016. [17:03] Natalie shares the highs and lows of her presentation. [19:59] How can you improve your delivery at speaking engagements? [23:12] How the content that you offer can give you additional speaking opportunities. [28:28] Planning for your next speaking engagement. [33:20] What can you offer your audience while you speak? [35:08] Carol shares her messaging framework to help structure your presentation. [52:17] Carol challenges Natalie to use her framework to revise her original presentation and shares ideas for practicing the presentation. [54:22] How to connect with Carol online. [57:11] Natalie shares tips for preparing for your own speaking engagement.   Mentioned in this Episode: Download the Worksheet Speaking Your Brand Say HI to Carol on Twitter Carol’s Media Appearances Visit Carol on Facebook FinCon Podfest Hear the entire Small Business Reality Series via: BizChix.com/smallbiz I'd love to work with you either 1/1 through a 90 minute strategy session, via one of my Masterminds for Entrepreneurs or Podcasters or in my new Group Coaching Program for New Entrepreneurs. Click HERE--> BizChix.com/workwithme Thank you so much for listening. If you enjoyed the episode, please SUBSCRIBE in iTunes and leave a rating and or review.  This helps the show rank higher in iTunes search results!   This episode appeared first on BizChix.com.

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