242: Self Sabotage and Limiting Beliefs
The BizChix Podcast: Female Entrepreneurs | Women Small Business | Biz Chix - Podcast autorstwa Natalie Eckdahl, MBA

Do you ever find that you are derailing your own success? Being an entrepreneur takes an extraordinary amount of courage and endurance. I believe that at least 50% of your success depends on your mental game. Sometimes we have great goals and plans and dreams for our business and yet just as we are getting close to attaining them, we set ourselves up for failure. It can be subtle and look like procrastination or it can be more overt and end up in depression. One place to start is with your own limiting beliefs. Since we are in our #BizChixMonetize Series, I want to focus today on any limiting beliefs you have around money and your own success. I am talking about our mindset and the tapes or scripts you are playing in your head. Many of you may not even realize that the words you are saying to yourself and the things you are believing about yourself and your potential for success are someone else’s words. Are you replaying negative words that a parent or caregiver put in your head when you were just an innocent child? Do you have fears about how success could impact your relationships? What if you made more money than your spouse or your parents or your siblings or your friends? What words or phrases come to you about money? Take a highlighter or different pen and note those statements that have a negative connotation about money. For phrases that are common sayings about money - think about what the underlying meaning of that saying. SIMPLE STEPS TO ELIMINATE LIMITING BELIEFS The key is to first start with recognizing it. Then decide if you agree with it. If not, do you want to change it? If you do, create a new script to replace it. Recognize it Evaluate it - agree or disagree Re-Script it Maintain it [optional] Relapse It Source: Psychology Today A note of inspiration: I give you permission to make 2017 the most successful year you have ever had. Whatever glass ceiling you have placed on yourself, 2017 is the year it get’s shattered. [click to tweet] Being an entrepreneur takes an extraordinary amount of courage and endurance. - Click to tweet Now go take some action! This episode is sponsored by AWeber. Thank you for supporting women entrepreneurs! Find out more and get an all access, 60 Day Free Trial at BizChix.com/AWeber! I’d love to work with you go to BizChix.com/workwithme Thank you so much for listening. If you enjoyed the episode, please SUBSCRIBE and leave a rating and review! This episode first appeared on BizChix.com.