244: Buy Back Your Time - Tips for Outsourcing at Home

The BizChix Podcast: Female Entrepreneurs | Women Small Business | Biz Chix - Podcast autorstwa Natalie Eckdahl, MBA


There is a ton of information on outsourcing in your business but very little on how to outsource in the home as a woman entrepreneur. And let’s face it, women take on a lot of responsibility in the home even if we are in a relationship with a really supportive partner. Some of that is our own doing because we like things done a certain way and other parts of it are gender roles that we are expected to take on. In this episode we talk about the first steps to outsourcing at home, how to budget for it, how to creatively outsource if you don't have money to invest and how to overcome objections you or others in your life may have to outsourcing. A special thank you to the BizChix Community for discussing this topic in our Private Facebook Group. It was fun to create an episode drawn from that discussion. Not a member of the BizChix Community yet? Join the BizChix Community today. Go to BizChix.com and click on the yellow join the community button.   This episode is sponsored by AWeber. Thank you for supporting women entrepreneurs! Find out more and get an all access, 60 Day Free Trial at BizChix.com/Aweber!   Mentioned in this Episode: NextDoor App BizChix #244: Productive Work at Home Mom with Holly Homer Happy Home, Happy Business Series   Hear the entire #BizChixMonetize series.   I'd love to work with you. The first step is a Strategy Session. Learn More.   This content was originally published on BizChix.com.

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