277: [On Air Coaching] How to Scale a Local Biz and Open a New Location with Rochelle Migliore
The BizChix Podcast: Female Entrepreneurs | Women Small Business | Biz Chix - Podcast autorstwa Natalie Eckdahl, MBA

Who knew that dog walking could be a Six Figure+ business? In this episode we discuss building a team, adding a new location as well as a high end offer to create more streams of revenue. Natalie coaches Rochelle Migliore of See Spot Run San Jose on ways to grow her already successful local business by expanding into new directions, and ramping up her prospecting efforts. Natalie shares creative and innovative branding ideas that take advantage of the fact that Rochelle and team are a walking advertisement for her business. Rochelle is also relocating to a new area soon, and Natalie guides her on how to take advantage of the move by using this as an opportunity to expand on, rather than walk away from her current business. This is a very fun and creative episode – don’t miss it! Want a peak at some happy dogs on their pack walk? Click below. This episode is sponsored by AWeber. Thank you for supporting women entrepreneurs! Find out more and get an all access, 60 Day Free Trial at BizChix.com/Aweber! Key Takeaways: Keep your mind open about what you CAN be doing for a business. Rochelle is making over 6 figures, walking dogs, having niched down from a broader concept. How do I start getting new clients proactively? Revisit how you got business in the past and think creatively about how you can expand on that. Branding – be creative. Rochelle has welcome to the pack “Bark boxes” for new clients. How could you do something like this?Think about how your clients find you. Who else has a complementary but not competitive business that you could share mutual referrals with? It never hurts to ask (best advice from Natalie’s Mom!). The fortune is in the follow up. No doesn’t mean no, it means not right now. Connect with other Female Entrepreneurs Connect with Rochelle Facebook https://www.facebook.com/seespotrunsanjose Instagram https://www.instagram.com/seespotrunsj Website www.happypackwalks.com BizChix Episodes Mentioned Listen to Previous On Air Coaching Calls 263: How to get more clients Book a Strategy Session or apply to Mastermind with Natalie! Click to Learn More.