287: [High Performing Women] Design a High Performing Mastermind with Natalie Eckdahl
The BizChix Podcast: Female Entrepreneurs | Women Small Business | Biz Chix - Podcast autorstwa Natalie Eckdahl, MBA

Masterminds are all the rage these days, but what makes a successful mastermind? Is there an optimal format and size? What elements lead to a High Performing Mastermind? Masterminds are my jam, and on this episode, I share my experiences and knowledge about masterminds, ranging from the value of having masterminds, as well as my personal tips drawing on my Masters level education on Teams, years of research and practical experience for designing a successful mastermind. Tune in to this episode if you are considering starting or joining a mastermind! Key Takeaways: [1:02] Natalie is getting ready for BizChix Live! [5:35] Natalie has a lot of experience with masterminds. Where does the term ‘mastermind’ come from, and what does it mean? [9:43] Natalie shares an excerpt from Benjamin Franklin’s biography that talks about his involvement with masterminds. [11:01] The members of Ben Franklin’s mastermind were incredibly diverse. What are the benefits of having a diverse mastermind team? [12:46] What is the difference between a mastermind and a group coaching? [14:03] What is the optimal format for a mastermind group? Natalie shares how she has organized masterminds for women at the 5-figure level of their business. [18:54] How does the 6-figure and beyond mastermind differ? [20:55] What are some of Natalie’s secrets for forming an ideal group? She shares tips about the ideal group size, and who should be in the group. [25:06] Commitment to the mastermind is what distinguishes a paid mastermind vs. peer-led or free masterminds. [27:00] Something else Natalie has added to her masterminds is affirmations. What are affirmations and how do they help? [32:34] Natalie has a free mastermind guide and some other great podcast episodes for you to check out. [34:00] Natalie also has some new masterminds coming up — be sure to check them out to see if they’ll be a fit for you! Join the BizChix Community Mentioned in this Episode: ● BizChix Live ● Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill ● The Art of Masterminding: Free Quick Start Guide ● BizChix Masterminds ● Benjamin Franklin: An American Life, by Walter Isaacson ● Ben Franklin's World — A Podcast About Early American History Previous BizChix Episodes Mentioned: ● High Performing Women Series ● Masterminds, Networking, and Teams Series ● “250: The 5 People to Avoid in Your Mastermind or Team” ● “283: [High Performing Women] Scaling a Team, Creating Visibility and Continuous Innovation with Author, Speaker, Publisher Maria Dismondy” This content was first published on BizChix.com.