294: MINDSET - 4 Strategies to Conquer Your Mindset Battles

The BizChix Podcast: Female Entrepreneurs | Women Small Business | Biz Chix - Podcast autorstwa Natalie Eckdahl, MBA


There’s a battle going on inside your head, but the good news is you have the power and ability to win it. Mindset is something that every entrepreneur deals with on a daily basis, but nobody talks about it!  On this episode, I share with you four of my strategies for conquering mindset issues and moving your business to the next level.      Key Takeaways: [:45] Mindset issues are something every entrepreneur struggles with. Natalie will be sharing her strategies for conquering these issues. [2:54] If you are in the midst of a mindset issue, congratulate yourself for realizing that! Strategy 1 is shared. [4:46] Strategy 2. [6:34] Strategy 3. [7:38] Strategy 4. [9:01] There's a battle going on in your mind, but you're not alone, and you are in control of your mind. [11:05] Bonus strategy (Ok, there were really 5 to share!) [12:09] You're always going to have to conquer mindset issues, at each step of your business. But you have the power and ability to do it. [13:18] Joining a mastermind is one of the best ways to get support with your mindset. Natalie has masterminds launching soon, so don't hesitate to apply!     Join the BizChix Community     Mentioned in this Episode: ● Biz Chix Masterminds  

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