377: CEO Day - Strategic Planning: Defining Goals, Objectives, Tactics
The BizChix Podcast: Female Entrepreneurs | Women Small Business | Biz Chix - Podcast autorstwa Natalie Eckdahl, MBA

Are you struggling with how to prioritize new opportunities or ideas? Are you stuck in research mode and not ready to move forward? Are you on a path you no longer want to be on? Join me for a Strategic Planning session. I walk you through a process used in large organizations that will help you know what to focus on and WHEN. Most business owners are trying to do too many things at once and struggle with prioritizing. Next time you are presented with something new, you can easily determine if it aligns with your goals and objectives by reviewing your strategic plan! You will know what to say YES to, what to say NO to and what to say NOT RIGHT NOW to. I also cover when to bring your team into this process, and that differs based on your leadership style. Part of Strategic Planning is determining your Vision which I discussed in the previous episode. The Strategic Objectives I cover today are adapted from Peter Drucker “the father of modern management”: Marketing/Visibility Innovation/Product Growth People/Culture Financial Growth Physical Resources (hardware, software, office space) Processes/Operations (systems, productivity, tools) Customer Satisfaction If you enjoyed this episode, I would be honored if you would share it with a friend. Join the BizChix Community Other Links Mentioned: FREE Podcasting Resources FREE Planning Worksheets BizChix Episodes Mentioned: 373: How to Get Out of Overwhelm 299: Start With The End in Mind 374: Are You Solving a Big Enough Problem? 375: Simplify Your Business With The 80/20 Rule Listen to Stacking Your Team Work with Us: Strategy Session CEOCHIX Mastermind and Coaching Program ProfitChix Mastermind Program GrowthChix Accelerator Program VIP DAY Join the BizChix Community This episode was first published at BizChix.com/377. Subscribe to our sister podcast, Stacking Your Team, on your podcast app or listen at bizchix.com/category/team/.