416: The Power of Experimenting: Embrace Ms. Trial and Ms. Error
The BizChix Podcast: Female Entrepreneurs | Women Small Business | Biz Chix - Podcast autorstwa Natalie Eckdahl, MBA

Think back to the story of Goldilocks. Remember how she tries Mama and Papa Bear’s porridge? One is too hot, the other too cold and then, she settles on Baby Bear’s, which is just right. I’m going to share my own entrepreneurial Goldilocks story of trial and error. It took me a long time to get to “just right.” Join the BizChix Community Books, Tools or Events Mentioned: RESET Your Mindset Other Links Mentioned: Join the BizChix Coop! Flipped Lifestyle Podcast The Product Boss Podcast BizChix Episodes Mentioned: 233:[new series] Monetizing and Money Mindset #BizChixMonetize 346: Imposter Syndrome Listen to Stacking Your Team This episode was first published at BizChix.com/416. Subscribe to our sister podcast, Stacking Your Team, on your podcast app or listen at bizchix.com/category/team/.