72 : Activate your Awesome with Molly Mahar of Stratejoy
The BizChix Podcast: Female Entrepreneurs | Women Small Business | Biz Chix - Podcast autorstwa Natalie Eckdahl, MBA

Molly Mahar is a coach, fierce love advocate and joy enthusiast. She is the founder of Stratejoy, a positive corner of the Internet that provides thousands of women inspiring + useful strategies to create their own joyful world. Molly’s work is delivered through small group programs, digital courses and high level one-on-one coaching, focused on gutsy women in transition. From the quarterlife crisis to the new mama meltdown, the up-and-coming business babe to the career changer, the newlywed to the newly divorced; she helps women get clear on who they are, what they want, and how to get it. Some call it reinvention. Molly calls it Activating your Awesome. A free spirit with a passion for mindful entrepreneurship, Molly loves sharing her passion with others. She’s rocked audiences at the South by Southwest Interactive, lululemonathletica, The US Army Wellness Weekend, Ladies who Launch National Conference, CRAVE Business Symposium and The Junior League.