76 : Key Takeaways - Amy Porterfield's Biz Tools, PJ Jonas Productivity Tips, Katie Richardson Design Methods, Molly Mahar Course Technology (Recap of Ep: 72-75)

The BizChix Podcast: Female Entrepreneurs | Women Small Business | Biz Chix - Podcast autorstwa Natalie Eckdahl, MBA


ost Natalie Eckdahl provides a recap of episodes 72-75 with clips from each episode and key takeaways for your business as well as a few of her own favorite productivity tools and apps. Review for Episodes 72-75 Episode 72: Activate your Awesome with Molly Mahar of Stratejoy Molly Mahar is a coach, fierce love advocate and joy enthusiast. She is the founder of Stratejoy, a positive corner of the Internet that provides thousands of women inspiring + useful strategies to create their own joyful world. Molly’s work is delivered through small group programs, digital courses and high level one-on-one coaching, focused on gutsy women in transition. Episode 73: Puj Founder and Designer Katie Richardson is Simplifying Parenting Katie Richardson is known for her resourcefulness and clean, minimal design. Her company Puj (pronounced like “pudge”) focuses on “simplifying parenthood” with easy-to-use products for parents. In a few short years, Puj has expanded to 20 countries. Her products have been featured in publications like Parenting, Fit Pregnancy, Pregnancy & Newborn and the Daily Candy. Episode 74: Amy Porterfield Peels Back the Curtains of Her Biz & Shares her Work/Life Balance Tips Amy Porterfield is a social media strategist and co-author of Facebook Marketing All-In-One for Dummies. Amy has a deep background in Marketing and has worked for Harley Davidson and for Peak Performance Coach Tony Robbins – first as Director of Content Development, and later she managed large-scale online marketing campaigns. Episode 75: Founder of Goat Milk Stuff PJ Jonas PJ is mom of eight homeschooled children and the founder of Goat Milk Stuff. PJ’s adventures into soapmaking originated in 2006 out of her desire to not use chemicals on the children’s skin. She wanted a natural soap that would moisturize their skin and last a long time. In 2008, Goat Milk Stuff was born, and she drafted the entire family into her adventures.

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