#532: Resisting a Victim Mindset in Negative Seasons of Life

The Confidence Podcast: Confidence Tips for Self-Esteem, Self-Worth, Self-Love, Self-Confidence and Courage to Overcome Self-Doubt, Overthinking, Insecurity, Perfectionism, Procrastination and Impostor Syndrome - Podcast autorstwa Trish Blackwell - Wtorki

Podcast #532   RESISTING A VICTIM MINDSET IN NEGATIVE SEASONS OF LIFE When life feels like it's happening to you, and everything that could go wrong is going wrong, it can feel hard to stay positive. You want to be strong, but the negativity feels overwhelming and the bad news just keeps coming. In this podcast episode you'll learn how to talk back to the victim mindset, how to not get sucked into the sinking sand of a pity party, and how to keep yourself encouraged through the season of suck so you get through it stronger because of your mindset. Get the full show notes at www.trishblackwell.com/532 In this episode of The Confidence Podcast, we're chatting about: * Shifting your mindset from problematic to powerful * How to see the good in the bad things happening * Reflective questions to ask yourself in seasons of struggle ANNOUNCEMENT: February 6th ENTREPRENEURSHIP WEBINAR Monday, February 6th at 12PM EST "How to Sell Without Being Salesy" www.trishblackwell.com/entrepreneur If you want to Create Demand for Your Business -Confident marketing-Confident selling-Differentiating factor Sign up for FREE at www.trishblackwell.com/entrepreneur REVIEW OF THE WEEK DECIDE THAT LIFE IS HAPPENING FOR YOU, NOT TO YOU. Slight shift changes everything."Get to" versus "Have to" MAKE SPACE TO FEEL YOUR FEELINGS ON PURPOSE Don't pretend they aren't happening - or that your life is easy. Acknowledge the suck.Have an intentional pity party - or intentional sulking session - and then tell yourself that it's time to move on.  GRATITUDE ABOVE ALL THINGS. No matter what, be someone who can always find gratitude.  REFUSE TO BE A VICTIM Identify as victorious. Double down on your strengths.Look at the bigger story.Don't get sucked into the vacuum of overwhelm.De-dramatize the awfulness. Feed the story you want to grow.  GET CURIOUS  * What's here for me to learn? * What can I take from this season that will be a gift? * How is God using this for my good? * What would "peace" look like for me here? * Is there anything I can do to show up better? * What emotion do I want to create intentionally? (Make a list) * How will my life be better in the future because of these trials? * Is there anyone I can help right now? (Get your focus off yourself and onto others - out of gas, set up a service station) ANNOUNCEMENT Struggling with motivation, and want to make sure you stay motivated, no matter what this year? Get INSTANT and FREE access to my most recent masterclass now. Go to www.trishblackwell.com/motivatedreplay

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