124. Balance Creativity and Technical Writing Skills: 5 Strategies for Your Writers
The Literacy Dive Podcast: Reading and Writing Strategies for Upper Elementary Teachers and Parents - Podcast autorstwa Megan Polk, Literacy Specialist, Elementary Teacher - Poniedziałki
With most things, balance is the key to life. It’s about finding the right amount between two things, not having too much or too little. Well, the same can be said with writing skills. We’ve established before that writing can be difficult and is a challenge for a lot of students, so it’s finding the right balance between interest and skill. In today’s episode, I’m sharing 5 strategies you can start using with your students that’s a balance between creativity and technical writing skills.When two concepts are on opposite ends of the spectrum, we tend to teach them separately, when really, they should happen inter-connectedly. It’s important for students to understand that writing is fun and engaging, while also displaying proper technical accuracy. In order to create this balance of writing skills, I’ve come up with 5 strategies that pulls out student creativity, along with paying attention to technical writing, which are:Provide student choice and voice in their writingModel effective writing techniquesIncorporate a variety of writing experiences in your classroomFind a balance between creative expression and technical accuracyEncourage readingFinding this balance of writing skills can be a complex and challenging task, but is achieved through the right approach and these 5 strategies. Showing students the balance will help them value both creativity and technical accuracy, while also striving to improve in each area to eventually become confident, skilled, and expressive writers! Show Notes: https://theliteracydive.com/episode124Resources Mentioned:Join the Writing Made Simple MembershipMonthly Writing Prompts Free SampleMonthly Writing PromptsWriting Center Posters & Writing Paper Templates Episode 32, Diving Into Your Q&As: How Do You Set Up Effective Writing Centers? Connect with me:Check out my TpT StoreSubscribe to my E-mail listInstagram PostsBlog PostsFacebook PostsIf you are enjoying The Literacy Dive Podcast, please follow, leave a rating, and a helpful review! It is much appreciated and thank you for listening!