71. Getting Your Students Excited About the Nonfiction Genre with Aylin Claahsen
The Literacy Dive Podcast: Reading and Writing Strategies for Upper Elementary Teachers and Parents - Podcast autorstwa Megan Polk, Literacy Specialist, Elementary Teacher - Poniedziałki
I am super excited about today’s podcast episode to continue this month’s theme of biographies! Aylin Claahsen is a good friend of mine and no stranger to those of you who have been listening for a while. If you’re new here, head over to episode 57 to learn more about the importance of fluency and how to incorporate it into your busy day. On today’s episode she will be talking about all things related to nonfiction texts. Aylin Claahsen is a certified reading specialist, literacy consultant, and curriculum designer who loves sharing literacy tips for teaching readers. Specializing in Kindergarten-5th Grade, she can be found sharing literacy tips on her blog, social media, or in her newsletter. Aylin has a huge passion for writing engaging passages and creating engaging literacy resources. She has seen the impact it has on readers of all ability levels and she truly loves helping readers, near and far. Knowing that is one way that she gets to connect with students and teachers all around the world makes her heart so happy. In this episode I share: Where you can teach nonfiction texts Ways to get buy in from your students How to make the nonfiction genre meaningful Opportunities for students to work together with nonfiction texts SHOW NOTES: https://theliteracydive.com/nonfiction-genre Resources Mentioned: Nonfiction guided reading passages Nonfiction fluency passages Episode 57, Understanding the Importance of Fluency and Incorporating it Into Your Busy School Day with Aylin Claahsen Connect with me: Check out my TpT Store Subscribe to my E-mail list Instagram Posts Blog Posts Facebook Posts Watch my YouTube channel If you are enjoying The Literacy Dive Podcast, please follow, leave a rating, and a helpful review! It is much appreciated and thank you for listening!