BONUS EPISODE - Tips and Ideas for Teaching Black History
The Literacy Dive Podcast: Reading and Writing Strategies for Upper Elementary Teachers and Parents - Podcast autorstwa Megan Polk, Literacy Specialist, Elementary Teacher - Poniedziałki
Black History is celebrated this month, but I have been one to celebrate Black and diverse history all year long. This episode will support teachers who are wanting to implement African American history into their classrooms whether it's their first year or tenth year. You will gain helpful reminders when navigating your conversations about Black influential individuals with students, as well as activities that can be easily implemented throughout this month and beyond. Episode Highlights: Black History Month is celebrated in February but is encouraged to be taught year-round It is the duty of teachers to help fill in the gaps that are left out of textbooks and omitted from curriculum standards 3 helpful reminders when discussing Black history with students 5 ways to implement Black history in the classroom - activities you can get up and running today! Links referenced: Read my blog post, 5 Activities to Implement Black History in the Classroom Read my blog post, Teaching Black History in the Classroom Printable & Digital Black History Biographies and Research Activities Digital-Only Black History Biographies and Research Activities Diverse Read Alouds + Books for Black History Donorschoose BrainPop Creating an Amazon Wishlist Show Notes: If you are enjoying The Literacy Dive Podcast, please subscribe, leave a rating, and a helpful review! It is much appreciated and thank you for listening!