Neville Goddard - All Are Human

The Reality Revolution Podcast - Podcast autorstwa Brian Scott

Tonight’s subject is “All Are Human.” In Blake’s great Jerusalem he said, “All are men in eternity, rivers, mountains, cities, villages, all are human. And when we enter into their bosoms we walk in earth and in heaven, and when we enter into our bosoms we walk in earth and heaven; and all that we behold, though it appears without, it is within, in our Imagination, of which this world of mortality is but a shadow” (Jer.,Plt.71). That’s difficult to conceive, difficult to follow, but I think I can throw a little light on it from my own personal experience. It seems so difficult to tell a man that the whole vast world is himself made visible, that man is either the ark of God or a phantom of the earth and the sea. He either contains the whole of eternity within him, and truly is the ark of God; or he simply appears out of the nowhere, and he waxes, and he wanes, and he vanishes and leaves not a trace behind him, just like a phantom. So the choice is man’s. But man thinks he is simply a little phantom. I tell you, you are the ark of God. You contain the whole of eternity within you, and what your destiny is, it’s God. You are actually destined to become as he is, and it takes this whole vast wonderful world of ours to unfold it for us. As we are told, “As the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son also to have life in himself.” Then he said, “Do not marvel at this; for I tell you that the day is coming that all in the tomb will hear his voice and come forth” (John5:26). All in the tomb will hear his voice and come forth. Well, Blake made something similar in a little comment in his book, the first book of Europe, he said, “The dead heard the voice of the child and began to awake from sleep. All things heard the voice of the child and began to awake to life.” That this Christ child—and you always think of Christ as a little child, always as the child—and you hear the voice of the child, and all in the tomb begin to awake from sleep. Yet in a tomb they were called “the dead.” They will come forth from the tomb; they will awake in the tomb and come forth.

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