Neville Goddard Feed My Sheep

The Reality Revolution Podcast - Podcast autorstwa Brian Scott

Neville Goddard 7-01-1956 FEED MY SHEEP This morning's subject is "Feed My Sheep." This is simply saying: practice the truths you have heard, for it means to shepherd the thoughts of the mind. For most of us, our thoughts are like rambling sheep that have no shepherd. We are called upon now to rule the thoughts, to rule the mind. As you know, the kingdom of Heaven is as a man starting into a far country, and he calls unto himself his servants and gives them his property, his goods. To one he gives five talents, to another he gives two, and to another he gives one - "every man according to his several ability", and when he returned he asked for a reckoning. The one who had five traded and produced another five. He was highly commended and told as he was faithful over a few things he would now be ruler over many. The one who had two, he too traded and produced four, and he too was highly commended and told to enter into the joy of the Lord; but the one who had one was afraid because his master - so he thought - was a hard man, and so he buried his talent in the earth and did not expand it. But I think you know the story. He was condemned for his misuse of the talent. It was taken from him and given to the one who had the most, the one who had ten. Well, now you have received talents in the last few days or few weeks, each one according to his ability. Some of us came with more prejudice to overcome, with more superstition, some with other beliefs that didmnot quite coincide with what we heard from the platform, and many of us had to overcome certain things before we could accept others. So, some got one talent, some two, some five, some maybe more. Now, a talent that is not exercised, like a muscle that is not exercised, finally sleeps, and as far as we are concerned, it atrophies. It doesn't really die, but it goes so sound asleep, it might just as well not be part of ours. We must practice what we have heard, for without practice the most profound understanding in the world will not produce the desired results. So a little talent, call it a talent now, if you really expand it, if you exercise it, will be far more profitable than many talents that you do not exercise. This morning we will just take one or two of the talents that we offer you - I can't force them upon you - we offer you. Music At the break of dawn - Jakob ahibom Gordan knot - Jakob ahibom Quadrants -ookean Future unknown- dream cave Radio nights - curved mirror Appeased soundscape 11- August Wilhelsson Soft rains- hushed Beyond gravity - spirit of our dreams Ambiance - Johannesburg Bornlof Findings - august willhelmsson The beginning of the end - august willhelmsson Sealed letters - august willhelmsson They came from the sky - august willhelmsson Breath of the mindful - spirits of our dreams Silent orbit - spirits of our dreams Face of the earth - Jakob ahlbom Breathe one’s last- Jakob ahlbom November - Jakob ahlbom Crossing the rubicon - Jakob ahlbom Alternate Universe Reality Activation get full access to new meditations, new lectures, recordings from the reality con and the 90 day AURA meditation schedule BUY A COPY OF MY BOOK Listen my book on audible Prosperity Consciousness - How to use breathing to change your life The Health Revolution – Becoming Healthier through the power of your mind The Love Revolution: Using the Law of Attraction to find love… and your soulmate Finding Your Purpose - Transform your health - All my guided meditations in one place All my short meditations (you have 10 minutes) - All my episodes about parallel realities - All My Neville Goddard Videos In One Playlist - For all episodes of the Reality Revolution – Subscribe to my Youtube channel #nevillegoddard #audiobooks #imagination #newthought #lawofattraction #totalhumanoptimization

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