Neville Goddard God Enters His Shadow

The Reality Revolution Podcast - Podcast autorstwa Brian Scott

GOD ENTERS INTO HIS SHADOW 12/16/68 Neville Goddard The same technique that you and I use to achieve our objectives in this world is the technique that God the Creator uses to achieve his objectives, same technique. Now listen to these words taken from Milton, that is the poem by William Blake: “When he entered into his shadow, himself, his real and immortal self, he appeared to those who dwell in immortality as one sleeping on a couch of gold. But to himself he seemed a wanderer lost in dreary night” (1st Book, Plt. 15). A complete abandonment of Self to the shadow, and in that shadow he sleeps and he dreams his predetermined pattern until it becomes reality. So in his poem called Europe which is a prophecy—has not a thing to do with Europe as you and I understand Europe—it is a prophecy, and it’s all about you, it’s all about man. So in this prophecy he said, “When I woke, I knew not that I had slept and 1,800 years were fled as if they had not been.” Now he doesn’t say, I am putting it in the first person, for I speak from experience; he told it in the form of a story and he uses a name called Enitharmon, which is an emanation. Well, your dream, your desire is an emanation. You desire to be…and you name it…that’s an emanation from you. It’s an image, and he’s calling upon everyone to enter into the image and dwell in it, occupy it, make it alive. So Enitharmon is the emanation of Los and Los is Imagination. Los has the similitude of the Lord…it is all Imagination. So he enters into the image and remains in that image, and he will dream it. When it becomes real, then he woke and knew not that he had slept. Then he mentions 1,800 years were fled. In my case I would say 1,959 years were fled as if it had not been; and I had no idea that I, myself, had entered into that image and made it real. And so, I entered into my shadow. I was in love with the image that I cast and so I entered into my shadow. To those who are in immortality who contemplate on death—for I entered death, the shadow was dead—I seemed to them as one sleeping on a couch of gold; but to myself I seemed a wanderer lost in dreary night. But I kept the divine vision in time of trouble and still kept on dreaming that I am Neville, and did not for one moment wander from it, did not turn from it. Then eventually I woke and did not know that I had slept…and yet 1,959 years had fled as though they had not been. So Blake tells us that in that very beginning all of us were united with him in a death like his, all of us, and then we heard the story. For, this shadow that he speaks of —I must enter into my shadow, right into it. He calls it an image in one passage, he calls it a shadow in another—but a shadow is a representation either in painting or in drama in distinction from the reality portrayed. Alternate Universe Reality Activation get full access to new meditations, new lectures, recordings from the reality con and the 90 day AURA meditation schedule BUY A COPY OF MY BOOK Listen my book on audible Music By Mettaverse solace solitude golden lotus into the omniverse journey into the multiverse nocturne ➤ Listen on Soundcloud: ➤ Follow them on Instagram: ➤ Join them on Facebook: ➤ Subscribe to their channel here: Transform your health - All my guided meditations in one place All my short meditations (you have 10 minutes) - All my episodes about parallel realities - All My Neville Goddard Videos In One Playlist - For all episodes of the Reality Revolution – Like us on Facebook Join our facebook group The Reality Revolution Subscribe to my Youtube channel #nevillegoddard #audiobooks #imagination #newthought #lawofattraction #totalhumanoptimization

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