Vivian May Williams - Where To Find Heaven

The Reality Revolution Podcast - Podcast autorstwa Brian Scott

We have demonstrable proof that we are spiritual beings living in the world of heaven now. The way in which we prove whether our knowledge of Mind and Its manifestation, heaven, is correct or not is this: if anything appears to be inharmonious and we can realize that we are spiritual beings in heaven now, governed only by Good, the apparent difficulty will vanish, proving the truth of our realization. Every great mystic has taught that heaven is around us all of the time. Lao-Tze, the Chinese philosopher, said, in speaking of heaven, “The further a man goes in search of it, the less likely he is to find it.” Jesus said, “The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there, for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:20, 21). “The true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world” (John 1:9) is the illumination of spiritual understanding that comes when a man knows the absolute truth about God and the manifest universe. It is unfortunate that individuals have been taught that the manifest world in which we live is a material misrepresentation of heaven. It has been called a world of illusion, a cinema picture world, a counterfeit world, a world of symbols, a world of false appearances, a suppositional opposite world, and various other terms. For this reason only is instruction necessary. If individuals had never accepted lies about themselves, instruction would not be necessary. As it is, we have nothing to learn, for we are now the wisdom, knowledge, and power of God, but we have every false theory to unlearn. Vivian May Williams was an independent lecturer from coast to coast and was a teacher and practitioner of Absolute Truth for many years. She was an editor of Freedom Magazine, which presented the message of Absolute Truth, and contributed articles to Psychology Magazine and Nautilus Magazine, which were an inspiration and guidance to thousands. Asked to indicate the sources of her wide and deep understanding, she credited the vast silences and wide reading of the world’s best teachers and a mastery of the new discoveries of science. This, combined with the inner illumination of her own spirit, contributed to make her message worthy of the most serious attention of all thoughtful and earnest souls. Music Appeased soundscape 11 august willelmsson for a moment - amaranth cove balance - amaranth cove when we were friends - amaranth cove antidote x - van sandano cassini -van sandano The New Earth Activation trainings - Immerse yourself in 12 hours of content focused on the new earth with channelings, meditations, advanced training and access to the new earth Alternate Universe Reality Activation get full access to new meditations, new lectures, recordings from the reality con and the 90 day AURA meditation schedule BUY MY BOOK! Listen to my book on audible All my videos about Dr. Joseph Murphy - All My Neville Goddard Videos In One Playlist - For all episodes of the Reality Revolution – Like us on Facebook Join our facebook group The Reality Revolution #vivanmaywilliams #god #audiobooks #imagination #newthought #lawofattraction #totalhumanoptimization

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