How Cultivating a Divine Union in Our Relationships Creates a Magical Life

The Secret Witch Show - Podcast autorstwa Nicole Barton - Wtorki

My guest today is Alison Armstrong, author of The Queen’s Code.  Alison’s exploration of human behavior began in 1991, with her decision to study men to find out how she was bringing out the worst in them. And hopefully, how to bring out the best. Her success in understanding men naturally led to studying women’s behavior and making vital connections between the two. As her work evolved, Alison illuminates human characteristics that precede and express themselves regardless of gender, age and upbringing. She distinguishes normal human instincts that compel both men and women to behave in ways that contradict and undermine our own purposes, goals, values, needs and relationships.    In this episode we dived into how women innocently emasculate men - and the importance of owning what Alison calls ‘Frog Farming’, how the Queen’s Code can help us to be more in our Feminine Power from compassion, and how we can begin to cultivate a magical divine union in our relationships, instead of acting from compelled conditioning. What You’ll Learn from this Episode:   I absolutely adored this episode with Alison and I particularly loved that she is Claudia from her book the Queen’s Code - and highly recommend reading it.  My takeaways are   We make a choice as to what we want to create in life - even in our relationships - and often we unconsciously choose to emasculate men by criticising or withholding from them - because of our old beliefs that they are incompetent Men’s instincts are wired to protect and provide, but our emasculation puts them into protection mode of *themselves* before they can even get to protecting and providing for us There’s a new way available to all of us, when we become more conscious of what we are creating - and asking questions that we wouldn’t usually ask - questions from curiosity and love about what the other person needs, rather than from our assumptions Likewise, we can make deals and agreements, so that we are not living in expectations that compel the other into protect mode Relationships that work seek a balance of Focused and Open - Alison’s exploration of Masculine and Feminine polarity helps us to create balance There are some small steps you can take to create your relationship differently; one is to have your own cup overflowing by honouring yourself first, another is making you get enough sleep, and also waiting longer for men to speak and believing them.  This will have you create a new way of being.   Resources and things that we spoke about:   Alison's Website The Queen's Code Book The Renaissance of Men - Will Spencer   Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know!    If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it!   Thank you,       Nicole xox

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