How to be a 'healer' as a sensitive soul who 'absorbs others' energy' - without burning out?

The Secret Witch Show - Podcast autorstwa Nicole Barton - Wtorki

On the Secret Witch Show today, Nicole is speaking to one of the common fears that comes up for aspiring healers: the deep fears of ‘absorbing other’s energy’ and ‘burning out’ that often stop women from fully stepping into the journey of becoming a healer - thinking that they’re ‘too sensitive’ for it.     In this episode Nicole discusses how women born to be ‘healers’ are born with a deep natural sensitivity, and what this really means for them, exploring the birth constitution (or make up) of a ‘healer’.  She explores a way of working with reclaiming the deep self-honouring that’s required - and the capacity to hold inner boundaries - in order to reclaim our gifts without burning out and taking on others’ energy.  She also explores the one deeper underlying fear that often stops us fully self-honouring and protecting our energy. What You’ll Learn from this Episode:   ‘Sensitivity’ is one of the things that most aspiring healers - who are constitutionally ‘Archetypal Phosphorus’ - shame about themselves, and fear will stop them becoming healers - yet it also holds a deep gift; without sensitivity, we wouldn’t *be* healers To begin healing this ‘Surface Layer’ wound of sensitive, ‘Phosphoric’ women - and to stop absorbing energy and burning out - we need to work with the Archetypal Remedy, ‘She-Wolf’ (or Lupa); and especially the Motherly energy of the milk of the She-Wolf, which is about reclaiming our inner wildness and honouring our inner-boundaries (in a nurturing way, from love) We will often fear our ‘inner wild’ will be rejected as ‘too much’, ‘too wild’, or be ‘disapproved of’ or ‘judged’, and so we - as sensitive women - often deny our *true* needs and burn ourselves into the ground; and it’s at that point where other people’s energy will feel too much Other people are only ever acting as mirrors for aspects of ourselves that want reclaiming; if we learn to receive ‘triggers’ from others ‘taking our energy’ as a call to honour our true needs as sensitive women, we can, too, heal and open to reclaiming our gifts as healers Outer-boundaries are often set 'first, and then we get upset when they are ‘dishonoured’ by others - yet, the really deep work is to learn to ‘honour’ our own ‘inner boundaries’ for ourselves’ the world shifts as we do, energetically The work is to begin to hear our wild ‘inner No’, so that we can then begin to open to our true deep ‘Yes’ to the desire and vision of becoming the healer we were born to be; otherwise, we *will* end up burning out, pleasing everyone and taking on everything from everyone else. Resources and Things that We Spoke About:   Social: Tiktok - @archetypalapothecary Instagram - @iamnicolebarton Instagram - @archetypalapothecary You Tube - Join our Secret Witch Society:  Next Crucible:  Website:  Clarissa Pinkola Estes - Women Who Run With The Wolves Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know.   If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it!   Thank you, Nicole and Team Secret Witch xox  

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