How To Get Clarity and Focus On Your True Spiritual Gifts

The Secret Witch Show - Podcast autorstwa Nicole Barton - Wtorki

On the Secret Witch Show today, Nicole explores how to get clarity and focus on your authentic spiritual gifts, illuminating why our tools are not our true gifts, and discussing the role of the Feminine and Masculine in the process of creating clarity in your transition into being a healing leader. She dives into her belief that magical women are all born with a legacy to live out, and how we can truly discover what that is (and why it’s not through ‘affirmations’!) In this episode Nicole also explores her own journey of discovering her unique gifts - and how she has come to understand that people themselves are the real medicine. She believes we are all walking around unconsciously serving our gifts - and the real work is to consciously harness them so they can be served from love, not fear.   What You’ll Learn from this Episode: When trying to get clarity on their spiritual gifts, most aspiring Feminine leaders tend towards logical, linear lenses and try to ‘think’ their way into them. This is how we’ve been conditioned, so it’s innocent - and yet, the true nature of the Feminine is to be in the messiness of the spiral, which will have you discover your authentic gifts Magical women are all born with a legacy to leave - it is they, themselves, that are the gifts - and knowing that takes an initiation because our true gifts are found in our wounds. Which means we need to be willing to heal our own wounds if we are to truly have clarity on the gift we were born here to live out I say born here to live out, because our Feminine souls chose to come here to live out certain experiences so that we could heal from them and serve the story out as medicine The ‘Law of Similars’ (similia similibus) that is one of the foundational principles of our Archetypal Apothecary healing modality explains this - it explores that “like cures like” - and that if you can cleanly transmit your remedy, it will magnetise and activate healing in those who are similar to you We have to choose to get clarity - because there will be always blocks that show up in the process. An ‘Affirmation’ is simply a wish that you don’t necessarily believe will happen; SO, it is a powerful ‘Declaration of Intention’ that will have you more deeply choose something from your heart and commit to the journey of liberating all that you come up against on the way to knowing your gifts.   Resources and things that we spoke about: Instagram: @iamnicolebarton Instagram: @archetypalapothecary  TikTok: @teamsecretwitch  Facebook: Nicole Barton  Private Facebook Group: Secret Witch Society  Website: - check out our other episodes Books: The Queen’s Code - Alison Armstrong   Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know. If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it! Thank you,   Nicole xox

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