How to Harness Magic to Grow Hope into Possibility and Belief

The Secret Witch Show - Podcast autorstwa Nicole Barton - Wtorki

On the Secret Witch Show today, Nicole is diving into how magical women often doubt and resist their own magic, leaving them struggling to choose it - which can keep them from walking into the gateway to their possibility, and deeper devotion to their souls.  She explores how women often arrive at this path with burning soul desires, that requires them to  alchemise it from simply being a ‘hope,’ into coming to know and believe in it being possible for them to actually create.   In this episode we explore how to keep powerfully choosing into the next gateway, so you can manifest what your heart longs for, how and why we create material for our liberation and come up against wounds along the way, which requires us to love ourselves enough to stay open and keep choosing it.  And how, if we do keep choosing into our belief in magic, it becomes inevitable that we become who our soul came here to be. What You’ll Learn from this Episode: Often Secret Witches, who doubt their magic and power, will have a burning desire and longing, that is sabotaged by us choosing out of cultivating hope, belief and knowing of what’s possible. We can heal this, by becoming our own remedy, rather than thinking we have to wait for hope and possibility to arrive to us - discovering that we can cultivate it ourselves is revolutionary - to know our own capacity to create even hope is powerful There are some gateways to walk through - it starts with cultivating hope, then when you’ve got that, you move to cultivating belief, and knowing of the possibility - and eventually that creates a deeper devotion to soul and your own magic You can spot which level you are in by noticing the phrases that you say - e.g. “I hope I can heal” versus “I know I can heal” At each gateway, we will get sent tests - our material for liberation - to choose into a deeper level of commitment to our visions - and this is really our initiation into the next gateway, at which point we are asked to keep choosing to cultivate possibility.  It is all an uplevelling of our possibility. And we have to choose whether we really want to commit to that burning desire, or not choose it - and either way we are choosing something. The Secret Witch will innocently struggle with this because one of her key shadows is helplessness, which she has learned, so innocently as a pattern, and which stops her seeing the possibility  unless she learns to love that about herself Really, it is all really about choosing past that helplessness fear in order to become ‘generative,’ which is the key to magic - seeing the possibility, instead of lack.     Resources and Things that We Spoke About: Secret Witch Circle Group  Nicole's Official Website Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know.   If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it!   Thank you, Nicole and Team Secret Witch xox

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