How to Harness the Magic of Energetic Medicine

The Secret Witch Show - Podcast autorstwa Nicole Barton - Wtorki

On the Secret Witch Show today our guest is Ian Watson. Ian is a writer, educator and trainer who has worked in the field of energy medicine, natural healing and personal transformation since 1988. He was the founder of a homeopathic training school in 1993 and is the author of four popular homeopathic textbooks. After a long exploration into various forms of psychological and emotional healing, Ian was introduced to the Three Principles understanding in 2011, and this has been the foundation of his work ever since as he now trains practitioners in the innate wellbeing paradigm. In this episode - which was so full of gems - Ian and Nicole explore what we mean by “energetic medicine” - and illuminate how Phosphoric Secret Witches often have a deep call within them towards magical, energetic work (which is often lying as a dormant susceptibility, and usually expressed as ‘shamed’ sensitivity). We discuss magic versus science, and how to harness energetic medicine for our own, magical healing - and the importance of healing energetically ourselves, before learning to become our medicine for others.     What You’ll Learn from this Episode:   Magical ones do not always grow up having had magical initiations - it is a conscious choice to initiate ourselves into our magical, medicinal powers. It’s also likely inevitable that we eventually follow the call to invoking energetic medicine - if we grant ourselves permission to, despite our many distractions. If we don’t, largely soul finds a way to make it happen. Not everyone is here to be a Magical One - it’s a unique gift - and yet one that most Witches deny themselves because of fear. Magical women are often born as Phosphoric constitutions - which is the personality everyone longs to be born as for their magical, open, bubbly, light, effervescent energy - but often, in the mundane world and through fear, Phosphorus burns out from seeking approval and shaming her deep sensitivity - and not knowing how to harness her open, magical energy, which can leave her not trusting. The Remedies of the Wild and their homeopathic lineage are forms of energetic medicine - and yet, these paths can often be doubted by those looking for logical, linear ways to heal (which we are taught are the “right way” by the modern world). Science - whilst wonderful - often looks at the homeopathy in a reductionist way which doesn’t support the way it works to return people to their Unique Expression of Whole-Souledness. Science created its own way of measuring everything - and homeopathy doesn’t necessarily fit into that way, but it doesn’t mean it’s wrong; it’s just mysterious and yet unknown because it is magic. We are all susceptible to specific remedy relationship patterns, and within those, we can heal our wounds, in order to discover our gifts - and this can become our unique medicine for the world. The Witch Wound - as a homeopathic miasm - makes sense from the perspective of epigenetics: AND, it doesn’t mean we can’t heal from it and expand past being stuck with it. The deep invitation is to learn to heal ourselves, and reclaim our power to heal (rather than giving that power away, innocently). Although energetic medicine is aimed to be “rapid, gentle and permanent”, we can sometimes experience healing responses - also called “Material for Liberation” or activation or trigger - when working with energetic medicine, but these are not to be feared as they are good signs that healing is working. Anything can be a healing remedy - even a piece of music - and it’s about listening into our hearts as to what is medicine for us. It is the resonance that matters, as like-cures-like, so a resonance will be healing. We can also dose Remedies of the Wild energetically - working in an honouring and sacred way with each remedy as an archetypal personality.   Resources and things that we spoke about:   Ian’s Website Ian’s Facebook Ian’s Downloads Ian’s Three Principles Practitioner Training (October) Join Nicole’s Invoke your Wild Apothecary crucible to learn to harness energetic medicine for your deep healing   Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know. If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it! Thank you,   Nicole xox

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