How to Harness Your Focus to Create Intentional Magic

The Secret Witch Show - Podcast autorstwa Nicole Barton - Wtorki

On the Secret Witch Show today we have William Whitecloud.  In the early 90’s, with his life shattered by a host of dismal circumstances, William was compelled to embark on a quest to discover what it would take to create what he truly wanted. This search brought William into contact with the Alchemical principles of Hermetic Philosophy and Technologies for Creating. After completely turning around his life, William was inspired to found Natural Success, a creative development curriculum dedicated to empowering participants in discovering and living their highest potential. He is author of best selling book, The Magician’s Way, The Last Shaman and Secrets Of Natural Success, and his foundational 5 day training, Create Your Destiny has been delivered to over 12,000 people.   In this episode we dive into how magic is *real* technology, and how important it is to harness our focus intentionally and consciously to create magical lives.  We explored the importance of owning our Witch power and what keeps it Secret - and dived into how shadow can pull our focus away, which is why it is important to do the work to reclaim it.  And we explored the role of creating from True or Soul Will.   What You’ll Learn from this Episode:   This show was truly magical in the presence of a real magician!  My takeaways are: Our reality is created entirely by our Focus - and yet, most people don’t know what they are focused on.  The way to harness that is to really ensure we are focusing our attention on pure, true intentions, rather than creating from lack or “compensating focus” - aka shadow agendas  The more we are available to own that we create what we don’t want, the more power we have - it is important to not abandon this knowing and blame your circumstances, because owning it yourself leaves you in the position of a creator. We can only heal if we admit we have a problem and realise we are creating it - even if we don’t know how - when we are the observer of a problem, we are not the problem, and that’s so powerful. Harnessing our focus takes training - it takes work, we have to learn to harness the skills, such as that of intuition.  Intuition is a Superconscious mode of awareness that we can access on demand, but we have to learn to harness it. Conflict is how we know we are focusing the wrong way - any time we are uncomfortable, upset, triggered, worried, annoyed, angry - it is a sign we are “conflicted” - and this is when we are in shadow, rather than pure focus. We don’t like this tension; and we try to resolve it and kill the messenger - yet, it is offering us really valuable creative information - if I am a powerful Witch, I can handle the shadow - looking at the trigger and then refocusing has us create what we desire. In shadow we hold all sorts of untrue beliefs and they take on lives of their own. And yet, we can take on whatever story we want to take on - ultimately, we can choose to be our Wild Witch, rather than our   Secret Witch. Knowing what we want is a skill very few people have - and it’s so important - focus there, on desire, rather than on the problems.   Our Will is much misunderstood; it is really just the mechanism to assign power in our consciousness - we can use it to either focus on our Truth or Fear - but knowing that we have will is powerful for creation.   Resources and things that we spoke about:   Natural Success Academy -  Create Your Destiny Free Program -  William’s Books -    Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know!    If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it!   Thank you,   Nicole xox

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