How to Heal from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Bonus Episode

The Secret Witch Show - Podcast autorstwa Nicole Barton - Wtorki

We have a special bonus episode for you this week to celebrate our 1 Year Secret Witch Show Birthday! On the show today, Nicole is honoured to be exploring a topic close to her heart - how magical women can begin to heal from Chronic Fatigue by allowing their fullest expression of soul to begin to express itself. She shares her own journey of healing and invites you into seeing the possibility for you to begin to heal yourselves, and move from hope into belief that it is possible for you. What’s the alternative? In this episode Nicole explores how CFS is a symptom of our soul being suppressed - and what’s the deeper cause of this, as well as exploring how the body tries to wake us up. She invites you into deeper enquiry and reflection so that you can continue to take aligned action to begin your own deeply healing journey. What You’ll Learn from this Episode:   Chronic Fatigue is a common expression of the Secret Witch - yet there can be some resistance to the Witch archetype in women who are here to learn to heal themselves Often women who do have CFS will be where Nicole once was; in hope that there’s some way of healing, but not yet fully in their possibility - and it is the work of soul and magic that helps you to cultivate the belief in your own power and magical healing We live in a society that values Masculine ways of being - linear solutions, forcing, pushing, doing, knowing, keeping up with time, and being busy - and yet the Witch is a deeply Feminine being; this is why she often has CFS - fitting into a world that doesn’t suit her The deepest creation of CFS comes from our soul suppression; it takes so much energy to suppress ourselves from being who we really are - and the healing lies in our soul’s expression We need to go into deeper enquiry to see the shadow fears creating CFS - and we must go there with complete love, so love is on the most important first steps to healing It is often our shadowy, fearful patterns of being the good girl, seeking approval, rescuing others, and feeling unworthy, shameful, or guilty.  These things can keep us from allowing ourselves to listen to the call of soul - and it’s in these patterns that our bodies begin to send symptoms to wake us up.   Nicole invites you to consider the costs and benefits of continuing to suppress your soul and to choose to begin to take small steps to liberate yourself for deep healing. It is important to choose this consciously as the path of soul is often a journey that isn’t easy - but it’s the only journey that is so worth it.   Resources and things that we spoke about:   Secret Witch Circle Facebook group Manifesting with the Moon Burning Woman - Lucy H Pearce   Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know! If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it! Thank you,   Nicole xox

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