How to Invoke the Power of Your Liberated Witch

The Secret Witch Show - Podcast autorstwa Nicole Barton - Wtorki

On the Secret Witch Show today, Nicole is excited to be freestyling on the juicy topic of how to invoke the power of your liberated, wild witch.  For most Secret Witches, their creation of life is unconscious, yet to *truly* tread the path of living your wild alchemy, we must engage in the practice of magic to invoke our power to create what we truly desire.  This is real life magical practice, and it’s not just a ‘nice to have’ - it’s essential for life creation.   In this episode, Nicole helps you begin to understand how to begin to take the next steps into harnessing your power from love, consciously choosing to devote yourself to the path of your liberated witch, illuminating what might be holding you back and beginning to fully embody your unique power.    What You’ll Learn from this Episode:   Power is not really created how we know it in society - it comes from love - love is the law of everything we do We are all powerful creators of our whole lives - owning that we have created a life we don’t want is the first step into reclaiming our majesty and power. We need to get intimate with the Liberated Witch we long to be so she feels welcome to express in our everyday life There are some unconscious reasons why even though we may say we long to liberate our power, that we may not actually create from it - and these need to be illuminated so we can make the conscious choice to liberate our Powerful Witch The journey is about illuminating the darkness of our old stories that hold us back from embodying and expressing our power in beautiful, soul-aligned ways - it’s no good to just undertake parts of the journey in isolation, though - the journey requires illumination, tending of wounds and commitment to our new story  It also absolutely involves practices that help us embody new ways of being with our power - and whilst this can be fun, it’s also essential - but only when chosen consciously This practice of invoking our power is real magic - it’s not just a “nice to have” - it is absolutely crucial for life-creation. Resources and things that we spoke about:   Reflective Questions:   Which Old, Mundane stories are familiar that keep coming up again and again that hold you back from your power? What are the New, Magical  Stories?  It’s best to let these emerge after seeing as much as you can about the Old Stories first.  Don’t rush it - this is important work, as these will be the stories that help you call in and invoke your power. 7 Day Secret Witch Challenge -  Nicole’s Website:   Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know!    If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it!   Thank you,           Nicole xox

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