How to Own the Gold of your Soul’s Essence

The Secret Witch Show - Podcast autorstwa Nicole Barton - Wtorki

My guest today is Adam Quiney. Adam is an executive leadership coach specializing in working with the Smartest People in the Room. From love, Adam is connection, passion, presence, wit and brilliance. From fear, he is awkward, robotic, apathetic, irrelevant and arrogant. He’s learned to embrace all these parts of himself, and works with others to do the same in their own lives. Living with his beautiful wife and their two dogs (one of which is a cat) in Victoria, B.C, he is a man on a mission to bring the world to a more inspired and fully-expressed place. His soon to be published book, “Who Do You Think You Are” shows people how to see the underlying light in all of us, and develop THAT, as opposed to fixing what occurs as broken on the surface. In this episode we dived into the truth that our Soul has a unique essence, which can be distilled consciously to help us to begin to express who we are from love. We explored how to find our Soul’s gold and why our gold can be found in our shadowy wounds - because we often unconsciously express who we are as fear. We also explored some of the core essences that some of our Secret Witches may be - Magic, Power and Radiance.   What You’ll Learn from this Episode:   Fundamentally at the heart of every human being is a set of ways of being; we each bring things naturally into the space - a bit like having a coloured lightbulb behind our heads that has a unique colour - and in this we can see our Soul, spirit, or essence. As babies we are just expressed as that essence, and then we learn that what is natural in us is not ok, and so we split from our Soul - it becomes somewhat of a minor trauma and we learn that who we are is too much or not enough. When we learn to split, we suppress who we are, and express it as fear, instead of love. We become Secret Witch, instead of fully expressed Witch - without realising, our Soul essence is who we are. If we are feeling that split from Soul, if we notice that something is missing from our essence - e.g. joy - it is because it is actually part of our essence. We can’t miss something that wasn’t there in the first place. There are polarities of these fearful expressions of our Soul - e.g. Magic can be hyper rational, or at the opposite end of the pole it can show up as escapist, like Peter Pan. We tend to swing between both ends of the pole until we do the work to fully embody our Soul’s gold - our true essence - to be our natural selves, from love. When we do embody our Soul’s gold, it is magical. It is important to have a guide for this, who can tap you on the shoulder and say “you’re just a little bit too far to the left on the path, just come back to centre.” Really, all of this deep work is the alchemy of our Soul.   Resources and things that we spoke about:   Adam Quiney’s website Adam’s Facebook Adam’s Get Lit Podcast Secret Witch Circle - Facebook Group Manifesting with the Moon   Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know! If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it! Thank you,   Nicole xox

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