How to stop people-pleasing in relationships so you can open to your gifts as a healer

The Secret Witch Show - Podcast autorstwa Nicole Barton - Wtorki

On the Secret Witch Show today, Nicole is speaking to one of the common patterns of the many sensitive souls who were born here with healing gifts: people-pleasing.  Exploring how people-pleasing is almost a ‘sign’ of being a healer, she dives into the fears and patterns beyond people-pleasing, and how self-illumination is a powerful tool to help women begin to heal themselves of this wound.   In this episode Nicole explores how and why our culture has had us learn to run around looking after everyone else first, along with the importance of self-healing inner work around people-pleasing - and especially why it’s one of the most important patterns to liberate if you’re wanting to help others heal themselves.  And, why vulnerability is the key to it all! What You’ll Learn from this Episode:   People pleasing is often a sign of being a healer - because healers commonly want to ‘help’ people It’s also a wounded pattern, learned in childhood - possibly when our own needs weren’t met, and we shamed our own needs, and learned to put them last We leak our true healing power by people pleasing - especially if we are here to be healers of others - often we will go into ‘rescuer’ mode  Loving self-illumination is the key to beginning to heal this pattern - noticing what’s underneath our automatic unconscious way of relating in the world this way is really powerful to help us begin to liberate ourselves The other important thing in reclaiming our ‘inner people-pleaser’ is learning to show up vulnerably and share our truth and our own needs.  The Feminine expresses her feelings, rather than rebelling and being a tyrant who sets hard outer boundaries.  It’s our energetic ‘inner boundaries’ that matter most. If we don’t heal this wounding, we will end up ‘quick fixing’ people, instead of allowing people who come to us for healing to experience their own healing initiations and reclaim their gold   Resources and Things that We Spoke About:   Social: Tiktok - @archetypalapothecary Instagram - @iamnicolebarton Instagram - @archetypalapothecary You Tube - Join our Secret Witch Society:  Next Crucible: There’s one opening for a 1:1 client -  Website: The Highly Sensitive Person by Elaine Aron  The Queen’s Code by Alison A. Armstrong Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know.   If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it!   Thank you,   Nicole and Team Secret Witch xox  

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