307: How Can Moms Do It All? With Kendra Hennessy, Mother Like a Boss

The Shift Show - Podcast autorstwa Nicole Culver


Now, more than ever social media is causing us to see what other people are doing with their lives more than we have in the past.  This causes us to create a narrative for ourselves and question why we can’t do the same as others.  In this episode, I talk with Kendra Hennessy, of Mother Like A Boss.  We talk all about how to get past the feelings of being last and put yourself in the driver’s seat of your life.   You’ll hear:  How to get past the feeling of having to do everything. Steps to get started and do less as a Mom. Ways you can put yourself in the driver’s seat of motherhood. What the martyr-dome mindset is and how to recognize it.   http://www.kendrahennessy.com @motherlikeaboss Mother Like A Boss Podcast Motherlikeaboss.com/mindful Podcast giveaway: Rate and review The Shift Show on iTunes Take a screenshot before you submit Send the screenshot or a selfie of you rating to [email protected] Tag me while you’re listening on Instagram!  @nicoleculver If you enjoy this episode and it inspired you, I would love to hear your biggest takeaway!  Take a screenshot of you listening and post it to your Instagram stories and tag me @nicoleculver  For more show notes visit nicoleculver.co Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, do that today.  I don’t want you to miss an episode.  Click to subscribe in iTunes!  I would be super GRATEFUL if you left me a review over on iTunes, too.  Those reviews help other people find my podcast.  Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and tell me what your favorite part of the podcast is.  Thank you! 

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