178: The Greater Good

The Sunday Stoic - Podcast autorstwa Steve Karafit - Niedziele

The Stoics often elevate Justice above the other virtues. Our man duty in this life is to be a just member of society. This week I'll reflect on justice as well as share my journal entry of the day where I explore the spiritual side of Stoicism.
Readings: Marcus Aurelius Book 11 #21
Musonius Rufus #14
Epictetus Book 2 #10

Journal Entry
The Cosmos, (God, Nature, the ultimate, the one) is the source of all, and therefore worthy of reverence and study. From this study, humanity has learned that it is a conscious extension of the Cosmos. We are the consequence of, as well as component of, a web of cause and effect. From the Cosmos we briefly emerge, with a sliver of thoughtful independence, and to the Cosmos we eventually fully return.
Via this cosmic connection and our own influence on the web of cause and effect, lie our immortality. We are the products of the laws of nature and as such are eternally bound by these laws. More specifically, we are beings of the Earth, related to every other known being, and yet set apart by the refinement of our ability to communicate, investigate, learn, and change.
To live well in this world, I need to learn from it, this is the cultivation of Wisdom. From this knowledge it is clear that our species survives due to our ability to cooperate, we are social beings, we must live in cooperation, therefore Justice is my primary aim. To live well I need to not only to share and work with others, but also to control myself if I am to become the best example of humanity that I can; for this Temperance is needed. To be wise, just, and temperate in the face of hedonistic passions and clashing worldviews, Courage is needed. If these virtues are pursued and progress is made, then my eternal contribution will be a good one, I will, upon the end of this journey, be worthy to return to the Cosmos.
Where am I to gain this wisdom? Humanity has been seeking it for centuries. In science I can learn our most well supported understanding of the functioning of nature. From philosophy, how best to live as a member of a diverse society and pursue truth, beauty, and wisdom. From religion, the breadth and beauty of humanity’s contemplation of its place in the universe, as well as thanksgiving, community, culture, and charity. This pursuit is worthy so far as it does not contradict our best understanding of reality. Contradiction reveals either an incomplete understanding or an incorrect assumption. A belief in that which contradicts the laws of nature is tantamount to idolatry. When in doubt in any of these matters, it is best to hold no opinion!
It is my goal to align my life wholly to these principles. Contradictions and wrong paths are inevitable, but with effort and time, willingness to change and grow, the journey will have been worth the effort.

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