100: Andrew Lincoln (Rick) + Celebrations!

The 'Cast of Us: A Last of Us & Walking Dead 'Cast - Podcast autorstwa Podcastica - Poniedziałki


CharactersTWDS3-RickJoin us for this special 100th episode celebration! We had a blast chatting with our guest of honor, Andrew Lincoln, who talked about why he's an actor, his thoughts on the possibility of Rick losing a hand, whether he keeps up with cast mates who've left the show, and much much more.

Tons of other surprises this episode, like the debut of both Nathan Melsted's extended version of our intro song and also our new disgustingly gorgeous Walking Dead 'Cast t-shirts (check 'em out!). We talk with designer Marc Manfre about his inspiration for designing these beautiful babies. And Don't Get Bit-89561finally, we play your generously congratulatory calls and read a few emails between the two of us from years past.

Thank you so much, by the way, for listening. This has been such a fun thing to do and we're so happy you guys appreciate it and contribute to it and help us make it what it is. RARRRR!!!!!

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