102: "Welcome to the Tombs" (S3E16)
The 'Cast of Us: A Last of Us & Walking Dead 'Cast - Podcast autorstwa Podcastica - Poniedziałki

Here it is, our reaction to the season three finale. As you might imagine, we had mixed feelings, but overall thought it was pretty great.
Also, we announce the winner of our Michonne haiku LiveScribe SmartPen contest. Some great haiku from you guys! Some of the best ever :)
And stay tuned to the end for a big announcement for the podcast.
Also, don't forget to check out our Comic Con event with James and Eric of The Walker Stalkers. We'll have games, prizes, a live podcast, and special guests. The first cast member confirmed to appear is Nick Gomez (Tomas). Get your tickets at walkingdeadcast.com/tickets.
Thank you for helping make this a great season of podcast, our favorite yet! Just because The Walking Dead is on hiatus (yes, hi-AY-tis), that doesn't mean we're going anywhere. As usual, you can count on us to keep you entertained and informed in the coming months. Look for a new episode in a couple of weeks!