103: Jay & Jack + The Walker Stalkers

The 'Cast of Us: A Last of Us & Walking Dead 'Cast - Podcast autorstwa Podcastica - Poniedziałki


Screen Shot 2013-04-23 at 11.26.25 PMIt's been awhile, but we're making up for it with our longest show ever! It's the circle of podcasting as we talk with relative newcomers to the scene, the fabulous James and Eric, a.k.a. The Walker Stalkers, about their experiences meeting the cast of TWD, interacting with the listeners, and planning events. And later at the other end of the gamut, we talk with two of our podcasting idols, Jay and Jack of The Lost Podcast. As we Header-w-Adknew it would be, it was a lot of fun and a true honor to talk with Jay and Jack. Without them, our own podcast would almost surely not exist, and we were actually more tongue-tied and giddy talking to them then when we interview the cast of TWD :)

All that plus our review of the Evil Dead remake, the latest news, and all your listener moans, groans, and grunts! Rarrr!

And don't forget, if you're starting to feel that jones for more Walking Dead, we've still got tickets for our upcoming San Diego event with The Walker Stalkers. Slated to attend are WD prisoners Vincent Ward (Oscar), Nick Gomez (Tomas), and Theodus Crane (Big Tiny). For tickets, go to walkingdeadcast.com/tickets. It's going to be a great party, and I'm looking forward to meeting a bunch of you there :)

Look for hour next episode in a few weeks. It's our annual season wrap-up crossover with Chris and Jason from The Talking Dead podcast!

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