104: Season Three Wrap-Up Crossover Pt 1
The 'Cast of Us: A Last of Us & Walking Dead 'Cast - Podcast autorstwa Podcastica - Poniedziałki

Another big episode as we're joined by Chris and Jason of the Talking Dead podcast for our annual season wrap-up. We give you our top ten highlights (positive and negative) of the season and throw in a little hockey and video game talk for good measure. Be sure to catch the second half of the countdown over at talkingdeadpodcast.com. Karen and I always have fun talking with these two, and we hope you guys enjoy it too. We've also got news and some emails and particularly great calls from you guys.
Oh yeah, and come party with me and The Walker Stalkers at our San Diego event! Slated to attend are WD prisoners Vincent Ward (Oscar), Nick Gomez (Tomas), and Theodus Crane (Big Tiny). For tickets, go to walkingdeadcast.com/tickets. It's going to be a great party, and I'm looking forward to meeting a bunch of you there :)